Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another post for me

Things went freakin crazy since my last update.

My week's end and weekend felt like one terrible run-on sentence that just couldn't seem to find a period.

i found out i had a flat tire Wednesday night before Aca rehearsal where we met with the guy who will be helping us record our album and i got mad because i was stressed out and i snapped at one of my group members and felt really bad about it and that feeling combined with a series of dizzy spells on Thursday probably derived from pure exhaustion made me feel like this weekend was going to have to be a restful one.


that didn't happen instead i changed my flat tire to a spare and drove faster than i should have on a spare tire to work where i stayed from 4 til midnight on Friday night and came home blown out but caffeinated so i didn't get as much sleep as i needed then i worked from 10:30 til 9 on Saturday when i was only supposed to work until 4 but they asked me to do a hosting shift since they were down to only one host and i agreed to do it as long as i was out by 8 but i wasn't instead i was out around 9 and got back to Raleigh at 9:45 when i began texting people about what was happening that evening even though once again i should have simply gone to sleep but no! instead i stayed up til 5 having a good time but apparently being somewhat of a douche to my friends and making some bad choices along the way that i wasn't confronted about until the next evening after another grueling 6 hour shift at the restaurant and an Aca practice that now seems like a blur.

The results: I slept from 11PM on Sunday night until 5PM on Monday evening. I felt like shitwarmedover when I woke up, but still managed to get myself organized and take a careful look at the casualties of my debauchery. I extended apologies to people that were mad at me on Saturday night, and I think no matter how adamant I am about blaming my stupidity on booze, it's clear that I need to take a break and rethink what is important to me in my social life. That doesn't mean not partying or not drinking, it just means being more mindful of others while doing so.

Things are better now.




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