Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Rusty Blog

The summer is winding down. The last few weeks have been fairly smooth. I've met some really cool people in summer school recently (some of whom have made me wonder why I wasn't hanging out with them during first session...).

As for the world, I've been disconnected. I haven't been keeping up with the news very much at all, partially because I haven't made time to read the newspaper and partially because I am somewhat disgruntled with the constant election coverage more than a full year before we vote. This is the period in which the two parties gauge the views of the people and figure out how best to convince those people that their intentions will be executed (even though none of the candidates has any chance of being an ideal candidate). There is so much bullshit being flung around right now that I feel like I should be crawling on my hands and knees.

I've been a bit frustrated recently as several people in my life have made me promises that they've failed to keep and as summer idleness has turned into summer weight-gain. I think I can turn things around once school starts up, mostly because I'll be in a new apartment with roommates that I think will be very helpful in keeping my life fairly calm. At least my grades are still good.

I have a new tattoo! Most people's reaction so far: "Wow, that's big." I guess a first tattoo is supposed to be small and out of the way? If that's the case, then I continue to laugh in the face of convention.

Pictures are here: http://ncst.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2130277&l=7e912&id=11816779

Another long link. Crazy Internet.

So this summer has served its purpose. I have managed to not fail. I am going back into school with some good grades under my belt and with a lot of new friends that I hope will make this coming fall my best semester yet at NCSU. I'm looking forward to it. In fact, I'm itching, nay, downright aching, pining, and thirsting for it.

Aside: Does anyone want to go to the gym with me this semester around 1:00 on MWF? That seems like the best time for me to do it and I would like to get something regular going (even though that has been my intention for almost my entire life).

I plan on writing here more. We'll see.